Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Welcome to No-Noise Entrepreneurship!

Thanks for visiting! As a public relations professional, I was surprised to find that many entrepreneurial communities are filled with mostly noise; for me, the term noise encompasses articles/blogs that provide canned information, promote get-rich-quick schemes, are designed to sell a product or are otherwise disingenuous.

The reason noise is so prevalent among these communities is because it's highly profitable; many of the people interested in becoming an entrepreneur have no formal experience starting and managing businesses, so a guide promising "5 Easy Steps To Take Your Idea And Turn It Into A Powerful Business That Practically Prints You Money!!11!" is appealing. Not to mention that at the low price of $297 (a $10,583 value!), it seems like a small price to pay for your very own federal reserve. 

Scams like my example are a huge problem for would-be entrepreneurs because they're literally everywhere, and often, these products are accompanied by hundreds, if not thousands, of glowing reviews; the people who write them offer other 'affiliate marketers' a commission to sell their product. As a result, people who are unfamiliar with the industry are easily sucked in by the tide of people promoting it; without knowing about what's going on behind the scenes, it's easy to think "if this many marketers are saying it works, it must work!" 

Dealing with noise is an unfortunate inevitability when trying to learn about entrepreneurship and creating online businesses, but there are people out there that truly want to help! A good rule of thumb to follow is this: If they make any promises, almost exclusively describe their product with hyperbole or imply urgency, you should probably do some research elsewhere. There are always exceptions, but you should consider any of those tactics a red flag because entrepreneurial promises aren't real, business is a fact-based industry and someone who wants you to succeed will tell you to take your time before jumping into running a business. 

I started this blog to help people who have questions about entrepreneurship, marketing and managing a business get real answers instead of the incessant noise pushed around by those who are trying to turn a profit off of newcomers. Feel free to comment on my blog and suggest any articles that you would like to see in the future! 

Coming soon: Starting a startup; Processing your ideas 

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